Ladies, in having adult sex, whether it’s a one-night stand or not, there is one thing you should always keep in mind: If you do it with someone who is not thinking or not reflective on it, this is a red flag. Anyone who just dismisses something as intense as adult sex has zero respect for the other person or maybe themselves. I firmly believe that every sexual encounter warrants some reflection, although most of mine is filled with self-loathing and self-doubt.

Here is a peek at how my mind works right after having adult sex:

One-Night Stand

More often than not, one-nighters happen after a heavy bout of drinking has clouded my judgment. I absolutely hate that terrible feeling of waking up to realize that there is something different, and then it hits me like a rampaging school bus. I then realize that somebody random is in bed with me. If I’m unfortunate enough to wake up first, I lie in bed trying to piece together how I ended up there like a very difficult puzzle.

After a one-night stand, I always analyze my mental state. How did I end up doing this? Am I lonely? Am I losing self-respect?

Obviously, one-night stands are damaging to long-term partnerships because it’s an accelerated form of relationship. There is no courtship involved that leads up to sex. It’s difficult to get into a long-term relationship that’s not set on a comfortable pace that lets you go through a measured progression of unforgettable moments and lovely surprises.


If you are in a serious relationship, you give more importance to performance. After sex, I always wonder if she enjoyed it, but it seems corny to ask her directly. This is the point where a debate starts in my head on whether she climaxed or faked it. In addition to this, I go over every tiny negative detail: What did it mean when she sort of laughed? And how embarrassing was that when the condom slipped off? It can only mean two things: either I wasn’t hard enough, or my penis was too small for it. And because I really don’t know if everything about it was good, I tend to dwell on the negative things.

I always try to be sensitive to a girl’s feelings right after sex. It’s rude to just roll off and leave after a guy “finishes his business.” It’s important to linger, laugh together, listen to good music, and yes, cuddle. I must admit that there is some psychological or physiological explanation as to why guys want to immediately move on doing something else as soon as they got off, but they should make a conscious effort to spend time with his woman after sex, even if they want to be at some other place.

Online adult dating is a totally new way of looking for a romantic partner, but it actually simulates traditional dating in “real life” more than you think.

Here are a few examples:

People Love the Virtual Thrill of the Chase

A friend told me about his experience on one of the popular online adult dating services: Users make it known how selective they are. He points out that most attractive women with smart and interesting profiles indicate that they are “very selective” in who they connect with. This is not far from the bar scene where a hottie holding court in the room seems to be intimidating and tough to approach.

My friend is a little confused by this scenario. He thinks it’s shallow, but admits that if a woman responds to whoever contacts her, he is less inclined to find her attractive, even if he likes her profile. Conversely, if he gets a response from a girl who is very selective and responds rarely, he thinks he has done something right to deserve it, and feels more accomplished.

Freedom From Obligation

My friend spent a little time with an “attractive and intelligent” girl he met online. However, there was no spark, so he stopped responding to her messages and calls.

Because of the “virtual” nature of online adult dating, people don’t follow the standard protocol for rejection. If you’re dating a friend’s friend, or somebody you met in person, you might feel like you owe them an explanation. But what’s the point in continuing the charade? Dating online is all about efficiency.

Zapping People

In the essence of efficiency, my friend explained he only responds to women who look attractive on their profile pictures. This is very much the same in real life. I’ve also been told by another cut, funny and intelligent female friend who is into online dating as well that she gets a lot of messages, and she tries to respond to each one. But then it got too overwhelming, so now she simply deletes messages from guys who don’t look attractive in their profile photos without even reading them.

You Are an Advertiser

In the world of advertising, brands have a certain amount of time to throw a sales pitch to their potential customers. In just a short moment, the brand will attempt to make a big point by using a compelling image, strategy, and message.

Online dating is very similar to this. Writing short, but interesting messages to potential partners keep their attention. Who wants to read a long, boring message about your life? Telling just part of the story compels the reader to find out more.

I have to admit that guys say girls are easier to hook up with when they’re on the rebound. A rebound occurs when someone has broken up, or even if that person is still in an adult dating relationship. People are considered to be on the rebound when they are hurting, or if they’ve decided that the relationship is about to come to a close.

Those who are released back into the dating “wild” can react in a variety of ways. They can be like that guy in the movie “Shawshank Redemption” where he’s gotten used to staying in prison that he couldn’t live any other way. I’m not saying that being in a relationship is like prison; what I mean is living in a relationship is different from living single. If you get too comfortable being in a long-term adult dating relationship, you might find yourself very confused when it ends, prompting you to seek companionship at any cost.

In my case, I react the other way when I get released back into the wild: I take time to reflect and try not to hook up or be involved with anybody for a while. I’ve heard that women do this as well. A girl’s friend told me: “She’s not looking for anything as of this moment. She got out of a long-term relationship that just ended recently.”

Just a few days ago, I felt sad to hear that a friend had been hooking up with a lot of random guys. I arranged to meet her in a bar and watched her as she scanned the crowd eagerly. I told her it was okay to go home alone once in a while, but she started to argue with me. After more arguing, I pushed her to see if she could give me a good reason for her recent behavior, until she finally said: “I’m still in love with my ex boyfriend.”

There you have it, the truth. So here was a friend on a major rebound. Eventually, that night, a shady looking dude came slithering in, and then they both went home together. Apparently, the two have been out adult dating for a bit, but of course, this wasn’t meant to be.

A successful relationship involves two people acting selflessly without ulterior motives. And all the random hookups happen when one of, or both of, the people involved just need someone because they are on the rebound.

The rebound asks this question: Is it possible that a woman choose to be with me, not because she’s into me, but because she needs me at the time our paths cross? Does it really matter to her who I am at all?

Just like any normal guy, we tend to exhibit insane behavior, especially in our adult dating lives. We sometimes do stupid things, like making the mistake of generalizing women based on just a few experiences. But then I ask myself, when do us guys exhibit this kind of crazy behavior? Aren’t we experts in practicality? I pondered on this for a moment and then realized that I do have my ill-tempered days and random choleric outbursts although they rarely happen, I must say.

When I thought about the causes of all the stress and anger, I was quite surprised that even I also have my own insane reasons for explaining my cranky behavior when adult dating. So to even up the score, here are a few of my crazy reasons for male PMS:

My Sports Team Lost

Football is a brutal sport. First of all, games are on a Sunday, so when my team loses, I’m left with a baneful feeling of dreading work the next day and lamenting why my team didn’t just run on the crucial 4th and 1 instead of throwing an intercepted pass. I hit the sack thinking about the game, and I wake up still thinking about it. And just like a physical injury, it hurts more the next day. And just like any Baltimore sports fan, it makes me as miserable when the Orioles and the Maryland Terps lose games. I am incapable of doing anything even crack a smile. I do my very best not to take it out on the girl I’m out adult dating with, but there are times when it happens.

I Haven’t Masturbated for a Full Ten Minutes

Yes, this is an exaggeration, but guys do go mad when we aren’t able to satisfy ourselves at an acceptable rate. This reminds me of that old “Seinfeld” episode where the characters try to see how long they could go without pleasuring themselves. They all eventually became cranky by the end of the show.

Work Has Got Me Down

Work always will be universally annoying and frustrating. But why can’t we just leave our anger and frustration in the workplace? I know it’s irrational to be cranky towards somebody who has absolutely nothing to do with work, but unfortunately it happens.

Not Enough Time for Myself

It seems that it’s logical to get annoyed if you haven’t done something fun for a while, so there are times that I really need to decompress. For me, this means Baltimore sports, reading nonsensical stuff on Wikipedia, watching dumb shows on TV, coffee, lounging on the couch, coffee, cooking, and more coffee.

Obviously, I like it when a girl wants to see me, but I can get cranky if I don’t get time to do nothing on my own.

I Am Lost

I frequently get lost, but because I always think I’ll find a way out, I get annoyed when a girl recommends that I ask someone or consult a map.

It’s quite easy to pick up a bad habit like falling for the same person for the second time, or having a steamy make out session with them after being caught in a moment of weakness even if you’ve already had a falling out. It’s easy, comfortable, and familiar. And there are times when you just want to prove that you can do it again, or that you still have power over them.

If you ask me, I think it’s not a good idea to hook up with your ex in most cases. Here are the reasons why making out or getting back together with an ex don’t work out:

You Can’t “Make It Like It Used to Be”

You know it’s the beginning of the end when you feel that things are not what they are used to be. You try to work things out together, but the spark is gone and the relationship has run its course. I’ve been in relationships where I seem so into it when I go to sleep at night, and then wake up the next day wondering why I didn’t feel it anymore.

You Broke Up for a Reason

There is always a reason why a couple breaks up, even if it’s “mutual.” And whatever this reason is or reasons are this means you’re not compatible. You will both undergo changes after the breakup, but there is not much of a chance of you changing and be suddenly compatible again.

It’s Tough for It to Feel “New”

The fun part of a relationship is the early stages, and the best ones retain an element of this throughout its duration. However, it’s pretty tough to find this feeling again if you try to hook up and get back together with someone you already broke up with.

You Might Be Giving In

It’s normal to swear somebody off after a breakup. You promised that you’ll never get back together with them, and you’ve learned what not to look for in a guy. While there’s always risks involved when getting back together with someone, you might feel you’re giving in a little, which is never a good attitude when dating someone. It’s tough to get back with an ex with a clear mind.

If It Ended on a Sour Note, You Might Be Looking Over Your Shoulder

This gives emphasis to the old question: “What makes you think it will be different this time around?” And if you get screwed over again, you feel twice as foolish.

Trust is the backbone of any relationship. It is a frustrating thing like building a sandcastle: It takes a lot of time to build, but can be destroyed quickly. And in the aftermath, it takes much more time and energy put it back up again, but it may never be that same.
Online dating ads 3 300x200 Ballinger Adult Dating Tips in Creating Your Online ProfileBallinger residents who are hopping on the online dating train need to pay attention. In creating your Ballinger adult dating online profile, you have to keep in mind that less is NOT more. The more details you put in about yourself, the better. Think of it as a movie trailer. Your objective is to catch people’s attention. Give them enough information to draw them in, without telling the whole story. A little bit of mystery is always good.
  •  Setting Yourself Up for Success
It’s essential to be specific about the kind of people you seem to connect well with. And if you got involved with someone you had a hard time communicating with, you may want to state that good communication skills are necessary in your Ballinger adult dating online profile.
  •  Dating with Intention
Your best bet in attracting people, who share common values with you, is to make your preferences known in your Ballinger adult dating online profile. If you’re clear about what you want in a partner and in a relationship, your needs will make itself known in your online dating profile.
  •  Speak the Truth
One guaranteed way to have success in finding a potential partner in the Ballinger area is through writing a profile that truly represents who you are. Keep in mind that it’s not about reeling in quantity; it’s about finding the perfect match who is genuinely attracted to you.
  •  A Good Profile Headline Equates to a Good First Impression
The first thing most people notice is your profile headline. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase your creativity, personality, and true wit. So express yourself and be bold, eloquent, spontaneous, or use your favorite quote or line from a song. This is your chance to be imaginative, so you can creatively convey key aspects of you.
  •  Be Positive
A profile with a positive vibe is more approachable and it encourages other potential mates to respond. Why project negativity? Just focus on being yourself and be proud of who you are.
  •  Look Smart
An online dating profile littered with poor grammar and bad spelling can be a major turn-off. Make sure you proofread everything before posting. And another tip: Refrain from using abbreviations, and be careful of incomplete or run-on sentences.
  •  Being Picky Can Be Too Limiting
When going into detail with what you want in a potential partner, avoid getting too specific. Try not to limit yourself and be as open as you can when it comes to the physical attributes, such as height, weight, and other “vital stats.”
Relationship Advice 300x273 Ballinger Adult Dating Safety Tips-Online dating sites are a great way to meet serious and committed potential partners in the Ballinger area for long-term relationships. It’s also an excellent place to build lasting friendships that can lead to something even more. However, use smart judgment and be responsible when connecting with and meeting with other members in the Ballinger area. Here are a few Ballinger adult dating tips to help you know what to do and always be on the safe side.
  •  Don’t Rush It
You must take your time and capitalize on the advantage of anonymity. Have fun and ask all the questions you need, while getting a feel of the type of person they are, and what makes them tick. There is no need to hurry in taking the next step and have verbal conversations; there is something very romantic about the process of getting to know each other through exchanges of messages.
  •  Caution and Common Sense Must Always Be Observed
Never give out your personal email address or telephone number to the first person that sends you a message. See first Ballinger adult dating tip.
  •  Ask for a Photo
If the person you want to connect with doesn’t have a profile photo, ask them to post their most recent one. In establishing relationships, sharing photos is a key step in the whole commitment process.
  •  Look Out for Red Flags
Do you lose contact with your match for days on end? Do they call you by the wrong name? Beware of the player! Pay close attention to sudden changes in behavior like displays of anger, attempts to pressure or control you, or intense frustration. Do they only agree on meeting you at the movie theater parking lot at midnight? Keep an eye out for red flags and heed your intuition.
  •  Always Agree to Meet at a Safe Place
Before you head out, make sure you tell a trusted friend the place where you are going to meet someone for the first time. Never agree to have your date pick you up at home. Arrange to meet at a public place at a time when there are a lot of people around. Once the date is over, go your separate ways. Ballinger has lots of bookstores or coffee shops to meet in at a busy time.
  •  Always Have a Cell Phone on Hand
Always be prepared if in case you need to make an emergency call. Never depend on a public pay phone to make urgent calls. If you feel things are about to get out of control, a quick press on a speed dial can make a huge difference. It’s all about being prepared.
imaadasges Ballinger Adult Dating Dos and DontsYou may think jumping into Ballinger adult dating activities may easy enough on the surface, but there are a lot of ways to eliminate your chances if you don’t know some of the important dating dos and don’ts when doing your stuff in this wonderful city. I know you guys have a short attention span during these stressful times, so here is a list of what you need to know about Ballinger adult dating to succeed, and avoid absolute failure. DO:
  •  Know enough about your date to know how to tailor your conversations to his or her background. Generic conversations are usually dull and boring, so study their online profiles to know what interests them.
  •  Keep some of the talk light-hearted, intriguing, and, of course, funny. If you both haven’t laughed at all during the course of the entire date, things have gone terribly wrong.
  •  Listen. You think it sounds easy? It seems that it’s not, because a lot of people complain their dates never pay attention enough to even notice what they said.
  •  Ask questions. The best way to let them know you’re listening is to ask your date pertinent questions. Chances are your date will be pleased, and probably even stunned even impressed.
  •  Clean up and make hygiene a priority. Make sure you wear clean clothes that you haven’t slept in or just picked up in one corner of your room. If you agreed to meet after work, brush your teeth before meeting up with your date.
  •  Leave your smartphone on. The inevitable interruption might work against you in a very damaging way.
  •  Talk about an ex. The subject will eventually come further down the line when your relationship has blossomed. If you still harbor ill feelings about an ex, or you still pine for them, it will most likely show.
  •  Put on too much cologne or perfume. There are people who might be allergic or even find the smell overpowering.
  •  Gossip about other people. Talking thrash about people behind their backs immediately alerts your date you have a mean and shallow streak.
  •  Talk to the phone long in the beginning before you meet. Yes, it could be fun, but it just might wear out your welcome when you finally meet. This is also an easy line of miscommunication and be misunderstood. This goes double when sending out emails.
324 unique ways to initiate sex flash 300x168 The Pros and Cons of Indulging in Adult Sex PromiscuityA friend recently got out of a failed relationship and now says he can’t wait to “sow his wild oats” and have adult sex with as many women as humanly possible. I couldn’t help but wonder how that experience could be as rewarding as being close to someone and eventually falling in love. To help me figure this out, I listed down the pros and cons: CONS
  •  It’s Not Easy to Do
I often go home empty handed when I’m looking to hook up as much as I do when looking for a significant other. It’s depressing when I my set goals have adult sex with as many women as I can are not met. It’s like trying to find out how nuclear fission works: It would be fantastic if I could do it, but I can’t.
  •  You Might Miss Out on a Better Opportunity
If you’re really set to sow your wild oats, you just might let that special person slip by if they happen to come along at the wrong time.
  •  It’s Feels Empty
Sometimes people just want to have fun without having emotions involved. But isn’t having an emotional connection more fulfilling? After sowing enough wild oats, you might want to reflect back and realize that your experiences did not amount to anything more than temporary exhilaration.
  •  It’s Dangerous
You all know that there is a high chance of contracting a sexually transmitted disease when you try to do this, right? And then there is unintended pregnancy. Do you think it’s worth the risk?
  •  It Makes You Seem Cheap
As you shift from one person to the next, the fun and spontaneity may eventually turn into shame. A lot of people who set their sights on sewing their wild oats accept the fact that they will be giving up their traditional morals. But after a certain amount of time, it’s not unusual to feel bad about yourself if you’re amassing a series of flings. PROS
  •  It Makes You Think That You’re “Ready”
People are more inclined to get into relationships after they have purged the “bad side” out their systems.
  •  It Takes Out Any Form of Regret
One common regret guys have is not being able to play the field before settling down. If this regret sticks with you all the way to marriage, it can be a problem. After weighing the pros and cons, I have come to a conclusion that sowing your wild oats is kind of overrated. Chances are, people who find a need to do it are not relationship oriented.
baseball game couple med 55504057 300x230 Adult Dating Tips on Watching Sports with Your Partner One particular fracas surfaces and rears its ugly head in many men’s lives: sports versus the significant other. It’s totally understandable if a woman may feel like they play second fiddle to her significant other’s sports fanaticism. However, with just a few adult dating tips, women can figure out how to fit into a guy’s life during sports season.

We all love a woman who truly loves sports. And you know it’s real when she follows the schedule of her beloved team. My best female buddy from college is a huge Steelers fan who not only saw every game, but also fervently vented out her frustration with the unpopular backup players. Any woman with similar attributes is a welcome addition to a group of sports viewers.

However, if a woman tries too hard, we will definitely know. Fake fans rally behind the New York Yankees just because they are trendy. Women who root for random teams like the Bills, Royals, or Wildcats are much more respected by males. We know when women come out from nowhere to support teams in the playoffs, or when they follow a crowd.

One of my female friends was a Redskins fan when we met. Once she started having an adult dating relationship with my buddy, she suddenly became a Raiders fan. Remember, a jump like this is extremely rare, and quite inexcusable, regardless of gender.

If you’re not sure about a comment you are about to say during a game, it is best not to blurt it out. Some women ask questions with obvious answers and say record-scratching comments that make guys look uncomfortably at one another. So if you’re not really a sports fan and you happen to attend a game, consider yourself as a new employee in a business meeting. Guys are a bit touchy about the people they watch the game with, so gatecrashers will surely be on their radars. They are happy to teach a woman about sports, as long as they are genuinely interested to learn.

When a guy brings his woman to sports group watching events, it sends ripples across the group. The girls who attend will be put under a microscope. Some declare they don’t care much about sports. They just do their own thing while his man watches with the boys. When a woman forces her way in one of the sessions, she surely won’t be in good graces with the guys. However, if she truly enjoys sports, or stays completely away from it, she will be the apple of all the guys’ eyes. So don’t try too hard if you’re not into it.