Following up on our article titled “Escort mania”, we’ve received quite a few angry replies from people who feel it’s unfair to expect any partner to act like an escort with their significant other. When we suggested that you pick up a tip or two from these professionals we obviously didn’t mean it to a tee, since the circumstances are profoundly different. Nevertheless, we feel that there is a lot to be learned from these people in order to incorporate seemingly simple practices which can make a world of difference in our relationship. Allow us to elaborate on several dating tips online that you can get from being an escort.

Rules. In the context of a relationship, these are usually not verbalized but rather each partner assumes that the other person shares his/her views and then gets all bent out of shape when they come across a situation where differences become painfully evident. Reality is that you’re probably not going to have as blunt a conversation as you’d have with a hooker but in those aspects which are fundamental to you (for example having a monogamous or an open relationship), it’s best that you are crystal clear about your expectations. Furthermore, when you feel like these “contracts” have been bridged, speak immediately and frankly to clear the air as far as any misunderstandings go, or to simply become aware of something you ignored in the past. What you do with that information from then on, is your business, but ignorance will no longer be a valid excuse.

Companionship and good listening skills. In other words, be a buddy you know? Become someone your partner will enjoy spending time with and look forward to being with. When planning outings and activities don’t only think of what you like or enjoy but how about every other date, proposing something which you might not necessarily be crazy about but which you know your partner loves? Furthermore, remember that sometimes people are just thinking out loud…they don’t really mean or intend to follow thru with what comes out of their mouth so why react to it? Exercise silence for a change and see where it leads to significant other’s nuisances but you should try…if only for those brief hours you guys are going out. Try being someone else, someone a bit more adventurous and willing to try new things; both in the bedroom and outside. Your effort will surely pay off.

Prep for your dates. You don’ t need to be extraordinarily attractive to look good for an outing; just put some effort into it so it shows that you are interested in making it special. Remember your partner is attracted to you, not a figment of your imagination…so think you, with a twist! Shower, perfume, clean and attractive clothes will do the trick…maybe makeup and a different hairdo if you’re a woman. Something a bit more upscale than the everyday version of yourself.

Real life escorts don’t have a history with their clients and that tends to facilitate the whole willingness to please factor. When you’ve got everyday worries and grudges running thru your mind, it’s kind of tough to be all smiles but why not let your history with this person be a plus and not an inconvenience? Why not try to focus on the ties that bind you together rather than those which push you apart? If at least, only for a few hours. What you end up sharing might be so powerful that it’ll start to ease all the bumps in your common road.

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