As far-fetched as it might sound to you, it’s important you know that men, as well as women, have the ability to become multi-orgasmic. Yes, you’ve read well, to have more than one orgasm close together… as if one weren’t mind-boggling enough! Want to experience this kind of senses? Then read this sex tips online we brought to you.

The first step in understanding this process is to separate ejaculation from orgasm since they are not the same thing. Physiologically, an orgasm is the contraction and pulsation that most men feel in their penis, prostate and pelvic area. It is accompanied by an increased heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure and results in a sudden release of tension. Obviously, orgasm is much more than these rather mechanical physiological changes. It is the peak experience of sex for most people, and it is one of the most intense and pleasurable parts of being human. If you’ve ever had an orgasm, and chances are all of you reading this have, then you know exactly what we are trying to describe and do receive our apologies since our words definitely fall short to the actual experience.

Ejaculation, however, is simply a reflex that occurs at the base of the spine and results in the ejection of semen. It is, in short, an involuntary muscle spasm…granted it’s a very pleasurable muscle spasm but it is nothing more than a muscle spasm. Many men and women have learned to connect all the pleasure of orgasm with ejaculation but it’s important to clarify that all the hoopla has to do with orgasm and not ejaculation.

When you were in your early youth, chances are you’d masturbate. Since your ability to ejaculate developed during adolescence, you most definitely masturbated and experienced orgasms way before sperm came into the picture. So, is orgasm without ejaculation a fleeting ability of your childhood? Most certainly not! You must relearn to separate them so that you can experience many orgasms before the crash of ejaculation.

In future articles we will discuss how you can achieve this separation and enjoy your sex life like never before!

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